Do you know what consequences a diet can have without sugar for your health? Decades ago experts warn of the dangers of eating a diet based on the abuse of sweets.
Despite this, the WHO indicates that its consumption is very high in Spain, estimating 16% of daily calories when healthy would not exceed 5%. This translates into an average of 90 grams that we find not only in sweet foods, but also in others of different characteristics such as ketchup, potato chips or tomato.
Is sugar good for your health?
First, we must clarify that the sugar for health itself is not harmful as long as it is present in food naturally; as examples we can name the fruit and the honey. The problem arises when we talk about refined white sugar , which is added to practically all the processed products that we can see in supermarkets, such as cookies, cakes or chocolates.
Unfortunately, this substance can be the trigger for many health problems , greatly reducing our quality of life. Among other things, it can cause obesity, constipation, gastrointestinal imbalances, nervous system disorders and anxiety. That is why more and more people decide to eliminate sugar from their diet.
Benefits of sugar free diet
A diet without sugar is not easy to cope with, because this substance is tremendously addictive , since it produces in our organism an important discharge of dopamine, considered “the happiness hormone”.
For this reason, by suppressing it we suffer something similar to a withdrawal syndrome. Without forgetting the cultural factor, by which most of the economically accessible products for people of middle or lower class contain high doses of this substance. In addition, the consumption of processed foods has become a kind of social custom.
But despite all this it is worth trying, considering that the effort to carry a diet without sugar will provide health benefits such as the following:
Greater energy.
There is a false belief, very widespread, that sugar gives us energy. While it is true that it provides a quick “high”, it is also the cause of the subsequent “downturn”. Its excessive consumption blocks the body’s ability to maintain maximum energy reserves. In addition, there are studies that relate sugar to depression.
Sugar can cause obesity, constipation, gastrointestinal imbalances, nervous system disorders and anxiety.
It helps prevent cardiovascular diseases.
Abusing sugar is a significant increase in the risk of cardiovascular problems. By suppressing or reducing its intake to a minimum, we protect our heart.
Reduce bad cholesterol.
Sugar causes an increase in the levels of bad LDL cholesterol and a decrease in the levels of good HDL, in addition to increasing triglyceride levels.
Improves the condition of the skin.
Consuming this substance in high amounts favors the appearance of wrinkles, as it hinders the production of elastin and collagen. This can also affect the condition of the hair and nails.
A deeper dream.
Sugar alters our nervous system, so that it negatively affects our sleep habits. It is highly recommended to avoid this substance if you suffer insomnia and other problems related to rest.
Prevents obesity.
Sugar favors the accumulation of fats, causes inflammation and fluid retention. A diet without sugar will help us lose weight. Likewise, we will feel satiated more easily.
Protects against cancer.
Some studies associate the consumption of this substance with the appearance of cancer. Therefore, avoiding it can help protect us against this disease.
All these data lead us to a conclusion, and is that moderate the amount of sugar present in our diet helps us keep our body in good condition. For this, nothing better than to inform us well about the food we consume by carefully reading the labels of the containers and consulting with an expert in the field.