Your home can look like a spa centre where you can take care of your skin and beautify your face. Today’s post is about how to make homemade face masks that can help you in skin glowing, tighten pores and clean the face. Find out what ingredients to use and make your skin glowing in a cheap and easy way, just with applying homemade face masks.
Clean, stimulate and soothe the skin by the use of eggs, yoghurt, natural lavender, lemon and mayonnaise. Save on money for buying expensive creams that wont has an effect. Read more about: How to get glowing skin in a natural way.
Natural lavender – homemade face masks
Black lavender face cleaning mask can have a big effect on your skin. Just apply the mask to your face and leave it for 20 minutes, but first, prepare it. The ingredients you will need for this mask are the following:
• bentonite clay
• green clay
• activated Charcoal
• aloe vera Gel ( aloe is used for any type of mask)
• natural Lavender Oil
Yoghurt face mask
Drinking yoghurt is good for your health, it helps you to fight depression, it makes you fit and boosts your energy. But, is important to know that if you apply yoghurt on your face you can get glowing skin and tighten the pores. Here are the ingredients you will need for this amazing homemade face mask:
- 1 teaspoon yoghurt
- 1 orange ( 3 slices of an orange)
- 1 teaspoon aloe vera
Lemon face mask
Lemon is an antioxidant that refreshes our body skin, it helps for the soothing and stimulating skin. The ingredients you will need for making a useful face mask are the following one:
- 1/4 cup olive oil
- 1 lemon
- one cucumber ( for eyes)
Egg face mask
Eating eggs have a lot of health benefits for our body, but also preparing a face mask of eggs can have great benefits for your skin. Egg yolk is an excellent choice for a woman with dry skin and egg white is good for oily skin. For making this mask you will need only one beaten egg that you will need to apply on your face and to wait about 30 minutes and to rinse.
Mayonnaise face mask
Save your money for buying some expensive masks for beautifying your face skin, instead of that use cheap food that can make you look like a model. You need to apply cold mayonnaise to your face and to live it for 20 minutes. After this, you will wash your face and here comes the feeling of the clean and smooth face. Try this at home and look wonderful!
Fask to mask, we are to the end of this post and its time to say GOODBYE. If you found interesting and useful this information, read more on this link about another 7 natural face masks to refresh the face skin. share this useful information with your lovely friends that want to beautify their face skin without leaving the home!