Children love is the same for both parents, for the mother and the father. When a divorce happens to one happy family this family becomes unhappy. Divorce has a big impact on married couples, especially to their children. When a divorce happens, the problem starts. Parents are fighting about the kid’s tutoring. And of course, children suffer the most. they have negative emotions and feelings, problems in school, they are prone to diseases. Some of them can fall into depression and act angry and loneliness.
‘Every family is happy in its own way, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” – Anna Karenina. Divorce can be avoided if couples ask for help. Making conversation with social workers can help and stop a divorce. Read more about the psychological effects of divorce on children.
Reasons for divorce
It doesn’t mean that couples need big reasons for divorce. Even the smallest reason can break up one relationship. Money can be a problem in one marriage, going out with friends and not having time for the family can be another problem. Not having a good job or not earning a good salary can also be a good reason for divorce. Lack of communication causes conflicts too. The worst reason for divorce is violence. Many women in the world face violence by their husband. Not all of them are brave to ask for a divorce. They stay in a marriage to protect their children from suffering.
The emotional impact divorce on kids
Fathers have close relations with their daughters and mothers with their sons. When one marriage breaks up children separate from one parent. This is emotionally hard for children who are attached to their parents. This means that they can’t see their parents together anymore and feel sad about. Although, if there are more than one children in the family, they separate too. So, the pain, the feeling and emotions are negative. The judge gets the decision with which parent will children continue to live. However, those who suffer the most are children. The emotional impact on them is big. It can be damaged the children mental health.
Psychological effects on a child of divorced parents
The psychological effects on children depend on the years’ stage when the divorce happens. Sooner or after, divorce has bad effects on the physical health of children. Children of divorced parents are prone to injury rates, they have an increased risk of asthma. They have emotional and behaviour problems and differences between children who live in intact families. At the time of separation of the parents, their children have school problems, don’t have friends, they are angry and loneliness. Some of them fall into depression. The other one stay hoping that things will get better and they will be family again.
Personal opinion
My personal opinion about this topic is that choosing a partner to spend all life with him/her is not a joke. Is a serious decision and couple should think twice. After getting married, every problem in marriage has a solution. Divorce is not a solution for problems in marriage!