Hey friends! I’ve been missing you and here I’m back with some new advice for you for this summer. Stay with us and read this post if you want to see the tips about getting the best sun tan. The tan can be a problem with the confidence and people who have white skin have to wish to have dark skin. Some of them decide to visit the cosmetics and to lay in the sunbeds even knowing that these killing machines can prevent skin cancer. Follow our full post and read some facts and important information on how to get the sun tan in the best natural way!!!
We know that solarium isn’t healthy for our skin but we all (especially girls) wish to have dark skin which will make their body looking attractive. Well, you can get the dark skin if you use the sun in the correct way. This means you need to protect yourself with cream, to lay in a shadow and to avoid the sun in the period of 12 to 15 clock.
Many of us forget that we can look awful if we forget ourselves while laying on the sunbed. This might be awful for our skin and we should always avoid these beds. These machines are also known as killer machines and we can get the dark skin from the sun. This is the advice number two for today but also see the other advice we have to show you.
The third advice is that we should choose the correct sunscreen for our body. We should start with a lower effect of the sunscreen and when we have the tan we should stop with the cream and buy a new one.
Food is also important for the skin and we should eat easy food that will have a good effect on the skin and body. For example, we should eat ice-cream, fruits, and cold drinks to refresh ourselves on the beach. This is the most favorite apart from the beach, so enjoy in each minute here and get the wished dark skin.
Also, read about why you need a pram liner, the post that we recently share don our page. Have fun and please share this page and advice with people you know!