What is resilience and how important is it in our life!


Resilience is critical if we are to overcome the various challenges we are faced with through life, whether personal or professional. For some people to be resilient “is in the blood”, while for others this attitude is not easy. But fortunately, we are all capable of developing resilience, and we’ll show you how!

But first, what is resilience, you know?

Resilience is the ability to overcome obstacles, not letting them interfere with your mental health. Resilient people never lose hope and have a very positive and optimistic view of situations, even in the most difficult times of their lives.

Our greatest glory is not that we never fall, but that we rise always after each fall. Oliver Goldsmith

How can we be resilient?

pushing stone

 The basis of resilience lies in some basic psychological conditions: optimism, self-esteem, appreciation of social and family ties, and especially effective support. In other words, be fed with the “energy” of people who believe in you.

Denial is the worst enemy of the resilience

To deny the existence of their problems will not make them disappear. To find a way out, first of all, we need to understand and accept the problem. Only after taking this consciousness will we be able to see the best way to overcome evil.

Remember: Resilience is not about denying the emotions and feelings that are negative, but knowing how to position yourself before them, not allowing them to dominate you.


 Keep positive thinking always

Positivity is another powerful weapon for achieving resilience. Even if everything seems to go wrong, never lose faith and hope. To fight for your happiness is to trust that you can and will be happy!

Be resilient, believe in your strength, in your potential, believe you are capable and you will be!

Roger Stankewski

The light at the end of the tunnel

Resilient people can find peace in the midst of chaos. They see all the moments of their lives, especially the negatives, as important lessons.

Even if things do not go the way you plan, you will always have something meaningful to add to your knowledge and that will serve as the key to your future happiness.

Think outside the box”

Resilient people tend to be more creative. Use your creativity as a tool to find a solution to your problems, not just succumb to them or let them consume you.

As the great genius, Einstein said, keep your eyes wide open, for the possibilities are endless!

The secret of creativity lies in sleeping well and opening the mind to infinite possibilities. What is a man without dreams?

Albert Einstein

Can adapt to the new

Another important feature of resilience is the ability to get out of your “comfort zone” and adapt to the new.


 Do not be afraid to know, explore and live what is different. At some point in our lives, we will be forced to change, whether it be a city, a cycle of friends, a lifestyle, etc.

Understanding change as new opportunities to know different points of view about the world is an attitude that we must have in order not to suffer in the face of the inevitable.