Hey friends. Tomorrow is the day when we celebrate the START of the new year 2020 and the end of the old year 2019. Probably, you already have a plan and idea where to spend the night but we are here to help you a little. How can we help you? We will give you the tips to avoid getting drunk for the New Years’ eve and stay there during the whole night!!! Stay with us!!!
Also, check about our recipes that you can prepare for the holidays that are coming very soon, dear friends!!! But first, check about our tips in the following and don’t be embarrassed in front of so many people!
Eat before drinking, while drinking and after drinking
The very first thing to have in your mind to avoid getting drunk tomorrow or any other night in the following is to eat before drinking alcohol, to eat while drinking, and eat after drinking. This will surely help you to stay fresh.
2. Don’t mix the drinks
The next thing is to not mix the drinks. start with bear and continue with beer all night. Don’t mix red wine and beer, white wine and beer but just keep to one drink.
3. Stay hydrated, with one glass of alcohol drink one glass of water
The next step you have to keep in mind is to drink one glass of water while you are drinking one glass of alcohol, for example, beer. You must remember this tip if you want to avoid getting drunk too early and be conscious to wait for the start of the New Year.
Thanks for your time dear friends for the whole 2019 year. We promise that in the new year we will be again with you, sharing amazing posts to inspire you, to give you advice and useful tips! Have a great party night tomorrow and be with people you love!!!